
 Following up on my previous post on the end of Lost.

So the questions that remained to be answered which would keep me happy;
- Who is Jacob's replacement?
Everything points to Jack, Sayid stated as much. But with Jacob's mother commenting that she thought his brother was meant to replace her - the Man in Black may be putting his eggs in the wrong basket. I cannot really think of who else would replace him though. The remaining options are Sawyer, Hurley and Jack. I'd like to see Sawyer thrust into the role - as unwilling as Jacob with the difference that Sawyer does not want to stay on the Island.
Well there you go. Jack was Jacob's replacement, and was only meant to fix his mistakes. Which was fitting - after all that's all Jack has been trying to do for the whole 6 years - fix everything. And he did.

- What is Desmond's role?
I'd have to say something about immobilizing the smoke monster.. Something along those lines.
Desmond was the constant, who had insight into both existences. Although his assumptions about the flash-sideways universe was wrong and his disappointment in his realization that what he had assumed was the wrong conclusion was fantastic.

- What is Widmore's purpose?
I've got nothing here. Apart from the fact that he was kicked off the island and felt his purpose was there I couldn't say. It's selfish whatever it is.
To set Jacob's final plan(s) in motion, to enable the candidates to finish what Jacob started. I do think he could have approached it in an upfront way that didn't alienate everyone.

- Who will die?
Ummm. Kate. Richard. Ben. I think Hurley would be a hard hitting death but I can't see it happening. If Kate dies I can't see Sawyer and Jack kicking it. I would love to see Jack die, or replace Jacob and finally have purpose. I'm on the fence there.
Man was I off track. I was quite pleased with how it went. Jack finally fulfilling his purpose was a grand moment. And on some level I suppose I was right - everyone died eventually.

- Who will leave the Island?
Everyone? Noone? Can't pick it.
Hurley didn't leave, that was something. 

- What will happen to the Smoke Monster?
I wouldn't say die. But something bad.
Well I was half right. Something bad did happen. He died, but he died as a man not crazy smoke monster. 

- Lastly, what is the Flash Sideways universe?

Who the hell knows. It's damned intriguing, but so confusing.
Afterlife? Not bad, got to watch it to make sense of it of course. Explaining it to people who haven't watched the series in 3 years makes it sound terrible although.  

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