
Spent today on my entry for greyscalegorilla's 5 Second Project "Self Portrait".

I wanted to do an abstract piece that describes the way that I think. My thought process is often overwhelming - over-analysing, over-criticising and over-imagining things to the point that it becomes a jumble of disconnected processes and concepts. Thus I am forced to separate myself from the process and begin again, with a resolute determination not to get sidetracked.

Stylistically it was nice to do something abstract for the freedom that it lent to the piece and allowed me to play with a simple, edgy 3D style that I am exploring.

Thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating something so short, and also in such a short time period. I thought I would limit myself to 1 day to see what I could achieve and I must say I'm pretty happy with what I came out with. It also acted as a test as to how my new iMac performs with rendering 720p after effects/maya exports - the answer is beautifully. It rendered the final uncompressed 5 second export (350mb) in under 10 seconds.

Like a dream!

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